Guido Bonatti (13 century CE)
Astrology & Mathematics
Guido Bonatus de forlino. Decem continens tractatus astronomicae. Venezia, Melchiore Sessa, 1506 ➤ | ➤ | ➤ Bonatti on Basic Astrology. by Guido
Antoinette Bourignon (1616-1680)
Antoinette Bourignon (1616-1680) was a Flemish mystic and writer who believed in the importance of inner spiritual transformation. Born into
Isaac de la Peyrere (1596-1676)
Enlightenment & Jews & Free-thinkers
Isaac de la Peyrere was a French theologian and writer who is known for his controversial views on Christianity and Judaism. He believed that Adam
Jane Leade (1624-1704)
Mysticism & Kabbalah & Jacob Boehme
Jane Leade was an English mystic, visionary, and writer who became known for her inspired spiritual teachings and prophetic writings. Born in
Adriaan Koerbagh (1633-1669)
Free-thinkers & Enlightenment & Theology & Censorship
Koerbagh was a Dutch philosopher, theologian, and writer. He is best known for his work “Een Bloemhof van allerley lieflijkheyd, gestrooit in
Anonymous publications
Der äussere und innere güldene Augen-Spiegel. 1713 ➤
Geber (8th century)
Jabir ibn Hayyan, also known as Geber, was a prominent alchemist and chemist who lived during the 8th century in the Islamic Golden Age. He is
Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680)
Astronomy & Physics & Hermetism & Hieroglyphics & Coptic
Kircher was a German Jesuit scholar and polymath who made significant contributions to the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, music, and
Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670)
Education & House with the Heads & Moravian Brotherhood
Comenius was born in Moravia in the Czech lands. Before being exiled from his homeland he belonged to, and was eventually made bishop of, a
Judah Leon Abravanel (c.1460-c1530?)
Philosophy & Neoplatonism & Love
Leone Ebreo as he was known, was a Jewish philosopher. The Dialoghi di Amore is his most important work, and also the most important work on
Johann Friedrich Corvinus (1648-1721)
Mysticism & Anabaptism & Rosicrucians
Anabaptisticum et enthusiasticum pantheon und geistliches Rusthaus wieder die alten Quacker und neuen Frey-Geister, welche die Kirche Gottes zeihero
Christoph Ludwig Dietherr von Anwanden
Christophori Ludovici Dietherrii, Patricii Norici, Laudatio Funebris, Incomparabili Theologo Cornelio Marci : publice & solenniter dicta Noribergae,
Aryabhata (476-550)
Astrology & Astronomy & Mathematics
Aryabhata was an Indian mathematician and astronomer who lived in the 5th century CE. He was born in present-day Kerala, India and is considered one
Varahamihira (6th century CE)
Astrology & Astronomy
Varahamihira was an Indian astronomer, mathematician, and astrologer who lived in the 6th century CE. He was born in Ujjain, which was then a
How to interpret planets I: tropical zodiac signs and the Sun
While many people are familiar with their zodiac signs thanks to today’s media, which is determined by the tropical zodiac sign of the Sun in
Levinus Lemnius (1534-1568)
Astrology & Alchemy
was a Dutch physician, theologian, and philosopher of the Renaissance era. He is best known for his work De Occulta
Al-Kindi (801-873)
Astrology & Philosophy
Al-Kindi (full name: Abu Yusuf Ya’qub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi) was an Arab philosopher, scientist, and astrologer who lived in the 9th century. He was
Sahl ibn Bishr (9th century CE)
Sahl ibn Bishr was an Arab astrologer who lived in the 9th century CE. He was born in the city of Kufa, in present-day Iraq, and is known for his
How to look like a manuscript?
Book decoration & Woodcut
Early 16th century books still looked like medieval manuscripts. When Gutenberg invented the printing press people thought of printing as writing —
Symphorien Champier (1472-1539)
Neoplatonism & Philosophy & Medicine & Hermetism
was a French physician, scholar, and humanist. He was born in the small town of Savoy and studied medicine at the
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