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World of the Free Mind
Friedrich Grick Rosicrucians was a private tutor from Altdorf who pretended to be a member of the Rosicrucian brotherhood. ❡ Ad venerandos, doctissimos et David Joris (recensie) David Joris & Anabaptists & Heretics & Book history David Joris, schilder, dichter, paracleet in de Nederlanden fel vervolgd als wederdoper, in Bazel met open armen ontvangen als aanzienlijk Pantheists, Freemasons, and Republicans Freemasons & Pantheism & Enlightenment Margaret C. Jacob masterfully unveils the intellectual revolution that swept late 17th and 18th-century Europe. Through the lives of influential Pietro Francesco Alberghetti (17th century?) Alchemy Alberghetti was a medical doctor from Bologna. Fisiologia chimica … secondo la dottrina di Hermete Paracelso, & altri. Roma, Francesco Corbeletti, Daniel Agricola (early 17th century) Alchemy Nothing is known about the author. Galerazeya. Sive Revelator secretorum. 1. De lapide philosophorum. 2. De Arabico elyzir. 3. De auro potabili, & Charles d’Acqueville (17th century) Alchemy Charles d’Acqueville was a priest from Normandy. Discours touchant les merveilleux effets de la pierre divine. Paris, Louis Billaine, 1681 ➤ | ➤ Abraham ben David de Portaleone (?-1612) Alchemy & Medicine Abraham Portaleone was an Italian-Jewish physician in Mantua. he studied the possible medical uses of gold. De auro dialogi tres. Venetiis, Joh, Giovan Francesco Aggravi (fl.1664-1678) Alchemy & Medicine & Pharmacy Antilucerna fisica oroscopante la conservatione della sanita. Padova, Mattio Cadorin, 1664 ➤ | ➤ Miroretechium sive methode compositivo medicinale Petrus Constantius Albinius Astrology & Alchemy Magia astrologica hoc est, P. Constantii Albinii Villanovensis, clavis symphatiae septem metallorum & septem selectorum lapidum ad planetas. Pro Johann Agricola (1590-1668) Alchemy & Medicine Agricola was born in Neunburg vorm Wald in the Upper Palatinate. In 1607 he matriculated at the University of Königsberg. From 1611 to 1614 he Georgius Agricola (1494-1555) Alchemy & Medicine & Metallurgy Georgius Agricola was a leading scholar and scientist of the German Renaissance. He is widely regarded as the father of mineralogy and is known for Stanislaus Reinhard Acxtelmeier (1649-1715) Alchemy & Hermetism & Philosophy Little is known about the historian and polymath Acxtelmeier. He is supposed to be from Augsburg, where most of his works were published. La Rabbi Abraham Eleazar Alchemy Fictitious author. While pretending that this book was used as a source by Nicolas Flamel, it was in fact based on his work. The 18th century editor Antonius de Abbiata Alchemy Drey Vortreffliche und noch nie im Druck gewesene Chymische Bücher. als I Johannis Ticinensis eines Böhmischen Priesters opusculum, genant Processus Henry Bate (13th century CE) Astrology & Mathematics & Physics Henry Bate, also known as Henricus Bate or Johannes de Bateris, was a prominent medieval mathematician, astronomer, and physician. Born around 1246, Phoebus Themmen (1697-1737) Labadists Themmen was a Calvinist minister in Scheemda (Groningen). He wrote a tract against the Labadists W. à Brakel geregtveerdigt, in zyne bestraffinge Michael Scot (12 century CE) Astrology & Mathematics Michael Scot (12th century CE) Michael Scot, also known as Michael Scotus, was a mediaeval scholar and astrologer who lived in the 12th century. He Boëthius (Rome, ca. 480 - Pavia, 525) Tags: Philosophy. Neo-platonism Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus Boethius was a philosopher, theologian, and statesman of the 6th century CE. He Jakob Schönheintz (before 1480-after 1502) Astrology Jakob Schönheitz was a German medical doctor and astrologer from Würzburg Apologia Astrologie. [Nürnberg, Georg Schenk, 1502] ➤ | ➤ | ➤ Johannes Swammerdam (1637-1680) Natural History & Mysticism Swammerdam was a Dutch biologist and microscopist. He was the first to show that insects did not generate from dirt or mud and described how eggs, Next page