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Paul Nagel (-1621) Rosicrucians & Astronomy & Astrology ❡ Himmels Zeichen. Grosse Conjunctiones planetarum superiorum, vnd newer Wunderstern, so anno 1604. den 29 Septembris erschienen: was sie bedeuten, Thomas Vaughan (1622-1666) Rosicrucians 1689 Euphrates oder die Wasser vom Auffgang, welches ist ein kurtzer Bericht von dem geheimen Brunnen, dessenWasser aus dem Feuer qvillet, und bey Jeorg Brenna Rosicrucians 1625 Krempel-marckt der hochwitzigen, Klarwürdigen Gottweisen Welt reformatorn. vnd tiefferleuchten Brüdern vom Rosen-Creutz. Auff welchem allerhand Tobias Hess (1558-1614) Rosicrucians x ❡ Theca gladii spiritvs: sententias quasdam breves, vereque philosophicas continens Argentorati, impensis Lazari Zetzneri. Anno M. DC. XVI. (1616) Adam Haslmayr (1560-1630) Rosicrucians Adam Haslmayr was a musician, public notary, schoolmaster and Paracelsian physician from the Tyrol who in 1612 wrote an enthusiastic response to the Trajano Boccalini (1656-1615) Rosicrucians Trajano Boccalini , was born in Loreto, Italy. Details of his early life are scarce, but we know he studied law in Perugia and held various legal Jacob Schalling (1587-after 1615) Rosicrucians & Medicine & Alchemy D. S. G. PHILOSOPHIA TRANSNATURALIS è SANCTA SCRIPTURA NATURAE OBVIIS EXEMPLIS, sapientium virorum sparsis testimoniis ACCINCTA Per labores Julius Sperber Rosicrucians & Alchemy & Mysticism Born around 1540 in Seebergen, Germany, Julius Sperber, also known as Julianus de Campis, was a prominent figure in the mystical and philosophical Stephan Michelspacher (ca 1571-1627) Rosicrucians & Alchemy & Book history & Paracelsus Stephan Michelspacher was a Tyrolean printmaker and physician active in Augsburg during the early seventeenth century. A Lutheran, he likely left Daniel Cramer (1568-1637) Rosicrucians Daniel Cramer, a notable figure of the early 17th century, was a theologian and mystic whose work intersected with the religious and philosophical Isaac Halbrecht (1589-1633) Astrology & Astronomy & Rosicrucians Isaac Halbrecht was a professor of astronomy and mathematics in Strasbourg. He was the son of a famous horologist. Ianua linguarum silinguis, Christoph Barbarossa (1562–1623) Rosicrucians & Lutheranism & Protestantism was a German Lutheran theologian from the late Renaissance period. He pursued his studies at Wittenberg, a Johannes Rhenanus Rosicrucians & Alchemy & Medicine is not to be confused with the famous 16th century humanist. He was a medical doctor, and known for his chemical experiments Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605) Rosicrucians & Alchemy & Medicine Heinrich or Henricus Khunrath was a notable figure in the world of Rosicrucianism during the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Born in 1560 in Georg Molther Rosicrucians Antwort, der hochwürdigen und hocherleuchten Brüderschafft desz Rosencreutzes , auff etzlicher an sie ergangene schreiben, darinnen klar und Michael Potier (1564-1631) Alchemy & Rosicrucians & Witchcraft & Demonology Ferguson says the following about Potier: Potier was apparently a Frenchman. For many years he travelled over the whole of Europe, and finally Philippus à Gabella Rosicrucians & Alchemy We do not know who hid under the pseudonym Philippus à Gabella. Raphael Eglin and Johannes Rhenanus have been suggested as the author, who, Friedrich Grick Rosicrucians was a private tutor from Altdorf who pretended to be a member of the Rosicrucian brotherhood. ❡ Ad venerandos, doctissimos et Johann Friedrich Corvinus (1648-1721) Mysticism & Anabaptism & Rosicrucians Anabaptisticum et enthusiasticum pantheon und geistliches Rusthaus wieder die alten Quacker und neuen Frey-Geister, welche die Kirche Gottes zeihero Christoph Ludwig Dietherr von Anwanden (1619-1687) Rosicrucians Christophori Ludovici Dietherrii, Patricii Norici, Laudatio Funebris, Incomparabili Theologo Cornelio Marci : publice & solenniter dicta Noribergae, Johann Valentin Andreae (1586-1654) Rosicrucians Andreae was a German theologian, physician and alchemist whose works laid the foundation for modern Rosicrucianism. He was born in Herrenberg, Christoph Besold (1577-1638) Rosicrucians Besold studied law in Tübingen and Württemberg. He was a friend of Johannes Kepler and one of the teachers of Johann Valentin Andreae. A. C. HANC