
Michael Potier (1564-1631)

Ferguson says the following about Potier: Potier was apparently a Frenchman. For many years he travelled over the whole of Europe, and finally settled in Dortmund. His vanity and reticence are displayed in his works. He made a boast of is knowledgde of the secrets of the art, but could never be brought to give proofs of it. He ended his life, it is said, in the greatest poverty and neglect, early in the seventeenth century.

Apologia, contra alchymistam impostorem. Francofurti, curâ & sumptibus auctoris, 1619 | |

Fons Chymicus. Köln, 1637

Gnorismata hermetico-philosophica. [1634] |

Grammatica Gallica. Dortmund, 1604

Novus tractatus chymicus. 1617

Philosophia chymica. Frankfurt am Main, 1648

Philosophia pura. Frankfurt am Main, 1619 | | |

Theoria et praxis fortalitiorum das ist Wie man mancherley Festung oder Schantzen delinieren. Köln, 1602

Veredarius Hermetico-philosophicus. Frankfurt am Main, 1622 | | |

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