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All in Alchemy → Latest in Alchemy
Petrus Bonus (14th century) Bernardus Trevisanus (1406-1490) Johann von Teschen (1406-1464) Johann Faulhaber (1580-1635) Jacob Schalling (1587-after 1615) Julius Sperber Stephan Michelspacher (ca 1571-1627) Alchemy and Related Subjects - a Catalog Ashmole Alanus de Insulis (1128 - 1203) Nicolas Flamel (circa 1330 - 1418) Atalanta fugiens and a curious case of 17th-century applied art Johannes Rhenanus Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605) Michael Potier (1564-1631) Philippus à Gabella Pietro Francesco Alberghetti (17th century?) Daniel Agricola (early 17th century) Charles d’Acqueville (17th century) Abraham ben David de Portaleone (?-1612) Giovan Francesco Aggravi (fl.1664-1678) Petrus Constantius Albinius Johann Agricola (1590-1668) Georgius Agricola (1494-1555) Stanislaus Reinhard Acxtelmeier (1649-1715) Rabbi Abraham Eleazar Antonius de Abbiata Geber (8th century) Levinus Lemnius (1534-1568) Nicolas Lemery (1645-1715) Isaac Baulot Arnaldus de Villanova (1235-1311) Raffaele Petrilli Artephius (12th century?) Guillaume Postel (1510-1581) Michael Maier (1568-1622) Robert Fludd (1574-1637) John Dee (1527–1608/9) Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576) George Starkey (1628-1665) Albertus Magnus (c. 1200 — 1280) Paracelsus (1493-1541) Johann Conrad Creiling 1673-1752 Johann Grasshoff (1560 - 1623) Theodor Kerckring (1638-1693)
All in Amsterdam → Latest in Amsterdam
Gerbrand Adriaensz Bredero The World Capital of the Book (1620-1720)
All in Anabaptism → Latest in Anabaptism
Johann Friedrich Corvinus (1648-1721)
All in Anabaptists → Latest in Anabaptists
David Joris (recensie) Lambertus Hortensius (1500-1574) David Joris (1501-1556)
All in Antiquity → Latest in Antiquity
Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374)
All in Architecture → Latest in Architecture
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (80 BC-after 15 AC)
All in Art → Latest in Art
Holbein at the Steelyard: Cannon Street (City of London)
All in Astrology → Latest in Astrology
Paul Nagel (-1621) Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn al-Sayigh (ca 787-ca 869) Three interesting Woodcuts Joseph Albo (ca 1380-ca 1444) Albert of Saxony (1320-1390) Giovanni Battista Abioso (1453-1523) Isaac Halbrecht (1589-1633) Between the Worlds — Petrus Constantius Albinius Henry Bate (13th century CE) Michael Scot (12 century CE) Jakob Schönheintz (before 1480-after 1502) Guido Bonatti (13 century CE) Aryabhata (476-550) Varahamihira (6th century CE) How to interpret planets I: tropical zodiac signs and the Sun sign Levinus Lemnius (1534-1568) Al-Kindi (801-873) Sahl ibn Bishr (9th century CE) Omar Khayyam (1048-1131) Arnaldus de Villanova (1235-1311) Pierre d’Ailly (1350–1420) Alessandro Achillini (1463-1512) Abū Maʿshar al-Balkhi (787-886 AD) Masha’allah ibn Athari (ca.740 - 815) Sphujidhvaja (3rd century CE) Guillaume Postel (1510-1581) Antiochus of Athens (2nd century CE) Robert Fludd (1574-1637) Berossus (3rd century BCE) Henricus Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486–1535) Porphyry of Tyre (c. 234–305 CE) Paulus Alexandrinus (4th century) Avicenna (c. 980 — 1037 CE) Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576) Nechepso and Petosiris (c. 1st century BCE - 1st century BC) Thrasyllus (fl. 1st century BC) Firmicus Maternus (4th century CE) Marcus Manilius (1st century CE) Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. 100–178) Dorotheus of Sidon (1st century CE) Anonymous of 379 (5th century BC) Hephaistos of Thebes (5th century BCE) Vettius Valens (c. 120 — c. 175) Alchabitius (Abu-’ṣ-Ṣaqr ʿAbd-al-ʿAzīz Ibn-ʿUṯmān al-Qabīṣī, 829-861) Paracelsus (1493-1541) Pietro d’Abano (ca 1257-1316) Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499)
All in Astronomy → Latest in Astronomy
Paul Nagel (-1621) Albert of Saxony (1320-1390) Isaac Halbrecht (1589-1633) Between the Worlds — Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) Aryabhata (476-550) Varahamihira (6th century CE) Omar Khayyam (1048-1131) Alessandro Achillini (1463-1512) Masha’allah ibn Athari (ca.740 - 815) Firmicus Maternus (4th century CE) Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. 100–178) Johannes de Sacro Bosco (ca 1195-ca 1256) Gemma Frisius (1508-1555)
All in Atalanta fugiens → Latest in Atalanta fugiens
Atalanta fugiens and a curious case of 17th-century applied art
All in Bible → Latest in Bible
Johann Jacob Scheuchzer (1672-1733)
All in bibliografie → Latest in bibliografie
Frans A. Janssen
All in Bibliography → Latest in Bibliography
Herman de la Fontaine Verwey
All in Bindings → Latest in Bindings
Books grow old too! What to do with useless manuscripts?
All in Biology → Latest in Biology
Johann Jacob Scheuchzer (1672-1733)
All in Book decoration → Latest in Book decoration
How to look like a manuscript?
All in Book history → Latest in Book history
Stephan Michelspacher (ca 1571-1627) A Portrait of the Author Three interesting Woodcuts Look! Herman de la Fontaine Verwey Frans A. Janssen The Most Important Invention in the World The World Capital of the Book (1620-1720) David Joris (recensie)
All in Book trade → Latest in Book trade
The World Capital of the Book (1620-1720)
All in Botany → Latest in Botany
Giambattista della Porta (1535-1615)
All in Censorship → Latest in Censorship
Adriaan Koerbagh (1633-1669)
All in churchfathers → Latest in churchfathers
Tertullianus (ca 155-ca 220)
All in Coptic → Latest in Coptic
Coptic: The Language of the Gnostics and the Egyptian Christians Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680)
All in David Joris → Latest in David Joris
David Joris (recensie)
All in Demonology → Latest in Demonology
Michael Potier (1564-1631) Henricus Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486–1535)
All in Divination → Latest in Divination
John Dee (1527–1608/9)
All in early christians → Latest in early christians
Tertullianus (ca 155-ca 220)
All in Education → Latest in Education
Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670)
All in Emblems → Latest in Emblems
Andrea Alciati (1492–1550) Atalanta fugiens and a curious case of 17th-century applied art Horapollo (c.390-490 AD?)
All in Enlightenment → Latest in Enlightenment
Pantheists, Freemasons, and Republicans Isaac de la Peyrere (1596-1676) Adriaan Koerbagh (1633-1669)
All in Firenze → Latest in Firenze
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494) Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499)
All in Florentine Academy → Latest in Florentine Academy
Demetrios Chalkokondyles (1423-1511)
All in Frans Janssen → Latest in Frans Janssen
Frans A. Janssen
All in Free-thinkers → Latest in Free-thinkers
Isaac de la Peyrere (1596-1676) Adriaan Koerbagh (1633-1669)
All in Freemasons → Latest in Freemasons
Pantheists, Freemasons, and Republicans
All in Gnosis → Latest in Gnosis
Joannes Macarius (Jean l’Heureux) (1540-1604)
All in Gnosticism → Latest in Gnosticism
Valentinus (c. 100-180 AD)
All in Golden Age → Latest in Golden Age
The World Capital of the Book (1620-1720)
All in Gutenberg → Latest in Gutenberg
The Most Important Invention in the World
All in heretics → Latest in heretics
Tertullianus (ca 155-ca 220) David Joris (recensie)
All in Hermetism → Latest in Hermetism
Bernardus Trevisanus (1406-1490) Stanislaus Reinhard Acxtelmeier (1649-1715) Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) Symphorien Champier (1472-1539) Jan van Ruusbroec (1293-1381) Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (80 BC-after 15 AC) Apuleius (c. 125 — c. 180 CE) Horapollo (c.390-490 AD?) Michael Maier (1568-1622) Robert Fludd (1574-1637) John Dee (1527–1608/9) Matteo Bosso (1427-1502) Jamblichus (c. 245–c. 325 CE) Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494) Hermes Trismegistus Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499)
All in Hieroglyphics → Latest in Hieroglyphics
Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680)
All in Hieroglyphs → Latest in Hieroglyphs
Horapollo (c.390-490 AD?)
All in History → Latest in History
All in House with the Heads → Latest in House with the Heads
Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670)
All in Humanism → Latest in Humanism
Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374)
All in immigrants → Latest in immigrants
Roast Chestnuts and the Principle of Immunity Holbein at the Steelyard: Cannon Street (City of London)
All in Incunabula → Latest in Incunabula
All in Jacob Boehme → Latest in Jacob Boehme
Jane Leade (1624-1704)
All in Jews → Latest in Jews
Isaac de la Peyrere (1596-1676)
All in Judaism → Latest in Judaism
Joseph Albo (ca 1380-ca 1444)
All in Kabbalah → Latest in Kabbalah
Jane Leade (1624-1704) Henricus Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486–1535) Paulus Ricius (-1541)
All in Labadists → Latest in Labadists
Phoebus Themmen (1697-1737)
All in lists → Latest in lists
Between the Worlds —
All in Literature → Latest in Literature
Gerbrand Adriaensz Bredero
All in Love → Latest in Love
Judah Leon Abravanel (c.1460-c1530?)
All in Lutheranism → Latest in Lutheranism
Christoph Barbarossa (1562–1623)
All in Magic → Latest in Magic
Johann Faulhaber (1580-1635) Giambattista della Porta (1535-1615)
All in Manicheism → Latest in Manicheism
Isaac de Beausobre (1659-1738)
All in Manuscripts → Latest in Manuscripts
What to do with useless manuscripts? Digitized Manuscripts
All in Mathematician → Latest in Mathematician
Omar Khayyam (1048-1131)
All in Mathematics → Latest in Mathematics
Johann Faulhaber (1580-1635) Henry Bate (13th century CE) Michael Scot (12 century CE) Guido Bonatti (13 century CE) Aryabhata (476-550) Avicenna (c. 980 — 1037 CE)
All in Medicine → Latest in Medicine
Jacob Schalling (1587-after 1615) Johannes Rhenanus Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605) Abraham ben David de Portaleone (?-1612) Giovan Francesco Aggravi (fl.1664-1678) Johann Agricola (1590-1668) Georgius Agricola (1494-1555) Symphorien Champier (1472-1539) Alessandro Achillini (1463-1512) Avicenna (c. 980 — 1037 CE) Giambattista della Porta (1535-1615) Matteo Bosso (1427-1502) Albertus Magnus (c. 1200 — 1280) Paracelsus (1493-1541) Pietro d’Abano (ca 1257-1316)
All in Metallurgy → Latest in Metallurgy
Georgius Agricola (1494-1555)
All in Moravian Brotherhood → Latest in Moravian Brotherhood
Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670)
All in Mysticism → Latest in Mysticism
Tauler Julius Sperber Johannes Swammerdam (1637-1680) Antoinette Bourignon (1616-1680) Jane Leade (1624-1704) Johann Friedrich Corvinus (1648-1721) Jan van Ruusbroec (1293-1381) Johann von Paltz (1445-1511) Plotinus (204/5-270 CE) Robert Fludd (1574-1637) Paulus Ricius (-1541) Ramon Llull (ca 1232-1315/16) Hendrik Herp (ca 1400-1477) David Joris (1501-1556) Jacob Böhme (1575-1624)
All in Mythography → Latest in Mythography
Berossus (3rd century BCE)
All in Natural History → Latest in Natural History
Johannes Swammerdam (1637-1680)
All in Neoplatonism → Latest in Neoplatonism
Judah Leon Abravanel (c.1460-c1530?) Symphorien Champier (1472-1539) Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) Plotinus (204/5-270 CE) Robert Fludd (1574-1637) Porphyry of Tyre (c. 234–305 CE) Matteo Bosso (1427-1502) Jamblichus (c. 245–c. 325 CE) Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499)
All in Occultism → Latest in Occultism
Henricus Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486–1535)
All in Optics → Latest in Optics
Giambattista della Porta (1535-1615)
All in Pantheism → Latest in Pantheism
Pantheists, Freemasons, and Republicans
All in Paracelsus → Latest in Paracelsus
Stephan Michelspacher (ca 1571-1627) François Alary
All in Parchment → Latest in Parchment
What to do with useless manuscripts?
All in Pharmacy → Latest in Pharmacy
Giovan Francesco Aggravi (fl.1664-1678)
All in Philosophy → Latest in Philosophy
Alanus de Insulis (1128 - 1203) Joseph Albo (ca 1380-ca 1444) Albert of Saxony (1320-1390) Stanislaus Reinhard Acxtelmeier (1649-1715) Judah Leon Abravanel (c.1460-c1530?) Al-Kindi (801-873) Symphorien Champier (1472-1539) Alessandro Achillini (1463-1512) Guillaume Postel (1510-1581) Porphyry of Tyre (c. 234–305 CE) Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494) Albertus Magnus (c. 1200 — 1280)
All in Physics → Latest in Physics
Henry Bate (13th century CE) Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680)
All in Platonic Academy → Latest in Platonic Academy
Matteo Bosso (1427-1502)
All in Platonism → Latest in Platonism
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (80 BC-after 15 AC) Apuleius (c. 125 — c. 180 CE) Demetrios Chalkokondyles (1423-1511)
All in Poetry → Latest in Poetry
Gerbrand Adriaensz Bredero Omar Khayyam (1048-1131) Arnold Hoogvliet (1687-1763) Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374)
All in Printing → Latest in Printing
The Most Important Invention in the World
All in Prophecy → Latest in Prophecy
François Alary
All in Protestantism → Latest in Protestantism
Christoph Barbarossa (1562–1623)
All in Ptolemy → Latest in Ptolemy
Three interesting Woodcuts
All in Reformation → Latest in Reformation
All in Renaissance → Latest in Renaissance
Gerbrand Adriaensz Bredero Andrea Alciati (1492–1550) Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374)
All in Rosicrucians → Latest in Rosicrucians
Paul Nagel (-1621) Thomas Vaughan (1622-1666) Jeorg Brenna Tobias Hess (1558-1614) Adam Haslmayr (1560-1630) Trajano Boccalini (1656-1615) Jacob Schalling (1587-after 1615) Julius Sperber Stephan Michelspacher (ca 1571-1627) Daniel Cramer (1568-1637) Isaac Halbrecht (1589-1633) Christoph Barbarossa (1562–1623) Johannes Rhenanus Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605) Georg Molther Michael Potier (1564-1631) Philippus à Gabella Friedrich Grick Johann Friedrich Corvinus (1648-1721) Christoph Ludwig Dietherr von Anwanden (1619-1687) Johann Valentin Andreae (1586-1654) Christoph Besold (1577-1638)
All in Science → Latest in Science
Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576) Giambattista della Porta (1535-1615)
All in Slavery → Latest in Slavery
Against Slavery
All in Theology → Latest in Theology
Adriaan Koerbagh (1633-1669)
All in Tolerance → Latest in Tolerance
Franck Against Slavery Holbein at the Steelyard: Cannon Street (City of London)
All in Vellum → Latest in Vellum
What to do with useless manuscripts?
All in Witchcraft → Latest in Witchcraft
Michael Potier (1564-1631) Henricus Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486–1535)
All in Woodcut → Latest in Woodcut
How to look like a manuscript?