Antoinette Bourignon (1616-1680) was a Flemish mystic and writer who
believed in the importance of inner spiritual transformation. Born into
a Catholic family, she struggled with devoutness and felt called to a
spiritual life. She began experiencing mystical visions when she was
just nine years old, which influenced her writings and beliefs.
Bourignon was opposed to the established churches of her time and
believed in a form of Christianity that was based on love and spiritual
purity rather than outward rituals and dogma. She founded a spiritual
community where she preached and wrote extensively.
D’Academie der geleerde theologanten. Amsterdam, 1683 ➤
An admirable treatise of solid vertue. London, 1699 ➤
L’antechrist decouvert. Amsterdam, 1681 ➤ | ➤
L’appel de Dieu et le refus des hommes. Amsterdam, 1682 ➤
Das heilige Perspectiv. Amsterdam, 1684 ➤
La lumiere nee en tenebres. Antwerpen, 1669 ➤
Den nieuwen hemel en de nieuwe aarde. Amsterdam, 1679 ➤
Toutes les oeuvres. Amsterdam, 1686 ➤
Praedictio … de vastatione urbis Bruxellarum per ignem. Amsterdam, 1696 ➤
Tractatus admirabilis de vera virtute. Amsterdam, 1678. ➤ | ➤
A treatise of solid vertue. London, 1699 ➤
De wonderbaarlijke verhandeling van de vaste of waare deught. Amsterdam, 1677 ➤