
Johann Conrad Creiling 1673-1752

Creiling was a professor of Mathematics and Philosophy in Tübingen. He also was an alchemist, with little succes.

Abhandlung vom Goldenen Vliess oder Möglichkeit der Verwandlung der Metalle. Tübingen, Jacob Friedrich Heerbrandt, 1787

Compendium physicarum definitionum. Tübingen, Johann Georg Cotta, 1713

Demonstratio geometrica noviter inventa transmutationis metallorum. Ulm, Joannes Fridericus Gau, 1751

Dissertatio academica de Aureo Vellere (Vom Güldenen Vliess) aut Possibilitate transmutationis Metallorum. Tübingen, Antonius Henricus Roebelius, (1737)

Die edelgeborne Jungfer Alchymia. Tübingen, Gebrüdern Cotta, 1730

Ehren-Rettung der Alchymie. Herrenstade, Samuel Rothscholtz, 1730

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