Giovanni Battista Abioso, also known as Abiosi or Johannes Baptista Abiosus in Latin, was an Italian mathematician, astronomer, and physician who lived between the late 15th and early 16th centuries, around 1453 to 1523. He was originally from Campania, born either in Montella or Bagnoli Irpino.
One of his notable works, “Dialogus in astronomiae divinatricis defensionem,” was published in Venice in 1494 and dedicated to Alfonso II, the King of Naples. This work, in which he defended the practice of divination, was later listed in the “Index expurgatorum,” the index of prohibited books.
Dialogus in astrologiae defensionem cum vaticinio a diluvio ad annos 1702. Venezia, Franciscus Lapicida, 20 October 1494 ➤
Trutina rerum coelestium et terrestrium. [Venezia, Johannes Rubeus Vercellensis, after 5 February 1498] ➤