
Dorotheus of Sidon (1st century CE)

Dorotheus of Sidon was an ancient Greek astrologer who lived in the first century CE. He is best known for his work on astrology, which is preserved in the form of a poem called Carmen Astrologicum”. This work is one of the most comprehensive and influential texts on astrology ever written, and it has been used by astrologers for centuries. In it, Dorotheus lays out the principles of astrology and explains how it can be used to interpret the movements of the stars and planets. He also includes practical advice on how to interpret different types of horoscopes. Dorotheus’ work is still studied and used by modern astrologers today.

Dorothei Sidonii Carmen Astrologicum, ed. David Pingree, Teubner, Leipzig, 1976

Dorotheus of Sidon, Carmen Astrologicum, trans. David Pingree, Ascella Publications, London, 1993 (with a brief introduction by Nicolas Campion)

Book 1 of the Ascella edition of Dorotheus

Book 2 of the Ascella edition of Dorotheus

Anonymous of 379, The Treatise on the Bright Fixed Stars, trans. Robert Schmidt, ed. Robert Hand, The Golden Hind Press, Berkeley Springs, WV, 1993

Bagnall, Roger S., et al, Consuls of the later Roman Empire, American Philological Association, Atlanta, GA, 1987

Neugebauer, Otto, A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy, 3 vols., Springer,Berlin, 1975

Paul of Alexandria, Introduction, edited in Pauli Alexandrini Elementa Apotelesmatica, ed. Emilie Boer, Teubner, Leipzig, 1958

Pingree, David, The Yavanajataka of Sphujidhvaja, vol. 2, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

Ptolemy, Claudius, Tetrabiblos, ed. Wolfgang Hübner, Claudius Ptolemaeus, Opera quae exstant omnia, vol 3, 1: ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΣΜΑΤΙΚΑ, Teubner, Stuttgart & Leipzig, 1998

Book 415 Hephaistios of Thebes Apotelesmatics Book I

Hephaistion of Thebes, Apotelesmatics: Book III: On Inceptions, trans. Eduardo J. Gramaglia, ed. Benjamin N. Dykes, Cazimi Press, Minneapolis, MN, 2013

Dorotheus, Orpheus, Anubio, and Pseudo-Valens, Teachings on Transits, trans. Robert Schmidt, ed. Robert Hand, The Golden Hind Press, Berkeley Springs, WV, 1995, pp. 1-6

Alcinous, The Handbook of Platonism, trans. John Dillon, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993

Brennan, Chris, The Katarche of Horary,” in: The National Council for Geocosmic Research Journal, Summer 2007, pp. 23-33,

Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum (CCAG), vol. 1, Codices Florentinos, ed. F. Boll, F. Cumont, W. Kroll, A. Olivieri, Lamertin, Brussels, 1898

Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum (CCAG), vol. 2, Codices Venetos, ed. F. Boll, F. Cumont, W. Kroll, A. Olivieri, Lamertin, Brussels, 1900

Dodge, Bayard, trans., The Fihrist of al-Nadim, A Tenth Century Survey of Muslim Culture, 2 vols., Columbia University Press, New York , 1970

Holden, James H., A History of Horoscopic Astrology, American Federation of Astrologers, Tempe, AZ, 1996

Pingree, David, From Astral Omens to Astrology: From Babylon to Binaker, Istituto Italiano per L’Africa e L’Oriente, Rome, 1997

Up next Anonymous of 379 (5th century BC) Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. 100–178)
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