World of the Free Mind
Alchemy and Related Subjects - a Catalog ABC Vom Stein A. B. C. Vom Stein der Weisen. Berlin, Friedrich Maurer, 1782 D➤ Stanislaus Reinhard Acxtelmeier Deß aus der Finsternus erreteten
The Human Face of 16th-Century Spanish Protestantism Tolerance & Inquisition Apart from the principle of sola scriptura, the fundamental dogma of Protestantism is the doctrine of justification by faith and not by works or Tauler Mysticism Johann Tauler (c. 1300-1361) Johann Tauler was a notable German mystic, theologian, and Dominican friar. A prominent figure in the Rhineland Tertullianus (ca 155-ca 220) early christians & heretics & churchfathers Tertullian, full name Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus, was an early Christian author born around 155 AD in Carthage, a prominent city in Paul Nagel (-1621) Rosicrucians & Astronomy & Astrology ❡ Himmels Zeichen. Grosse Conjunctiones planetarum superiorum, vnd newer Wunderstern, so anno 1604. den 29 Septembris erschienen: was sie bedeuten, Thomas Vaughan (1622-1666) Rosicrucians 1689 Euphrates oder die Wasser vom Auffgang, welches ist ein kurtzer Bericht von dem geheimen Brunnen, dessenWasser aus dem Feuer qvillet, und bey Jeorg Brenna Rosicrucians 1625 Krempel-marckt der hochwitzigen, Klarwürdigen Gottweisen Welt reformatorn. vnd tiefferleuchten Brüdern vom Rosen-Creutz. Auff welchem allerhand Petrus Bonus (14th century) Alchemy 1602 M. Petri Boni Lombardi Ferrarensis Physici & chemici excellentiss. Introdvctio in artem chemiae integra, ab ipso authore inscripta Margarita Bernardus Trevisanus (1406-1490) Hermetism & Alchemy Bernardus Trevisanus (Bernard of Treviso) was a fictional Italian alchemist. His biography has been composed by editors and commentators of Johann von Teschen (1406-1464) Alchemy John, nicknamed the Alchemist was a Margrave of Brandenburg-Kulmbach and served as the peace-loving Margrave of Brandenburg after the abdication of Tobias Hess (1558-1614) Rosicrucians x ❡ Theca gladii spiritvs: sententias quasdam breves, vereque philosophicas continens Argentorati, impensis Lazari Zetzneri. Anno M. DC. XVI. (1616) Adam Haslmayr (1560-1630) Rosicrucians Adam Haslmayr was a musician, public notary, schoolmaster and Paracelsian physician from the Tyrol who in 1612 wrote an enthusiastic response to the Publications Daniel Mögling (1596–1635) was a German physician, alchemist, and Rosicrucian writer. Born in the late 16th century, Mögling studied medicine at the Roast Chestnuts and the Principle of Immunity immigrants Ticino, the southernmost canton of Italian-speaking Switzerland, is known for its chestnuts. Traditionally, unemployment was high there. For Gerbrand Adriaensz Bredero Amsterdam & Renaissance & Poetry & Literature Het al te korte leven van Gerbrand Adriaensz Bredero, van 1585 tot 1618, omvat de periode van de opkomst van de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden Robert Fludd: An Short Note of His Life and Work Robert Fludd, also known as Robertus de Fluctibus who was a well-known English physician, alchemist, and mystic. He lived in the early 17th century. Johann Jacob Scheuchzer (1672-1733) Bible & Biology What to make of fossils? Aristotle thought that they grew in the earth, Christian scholars pointed to the Biblical flood. In 1726 this fossil was Trajano Boccalini (1656-1615) Rosicrucians Trajano Boccalini , was born in Loreto, Italy. Details of his early life are scarce, but we know he studied law in Perugia and held various legal Johann Faulhaber (1580-1635) Mathematics & Magic & Alchemy Johann Faulhaber, also known as Johann Faulhauber, was a German mathematician, engineer, and fortification builder. Born in Ulm, Germany, in 1580, Jacob Schalling (1587-after 1615) Rosicrucians & Medicine & Alchemy D. S. G. PHILOSOPHIA TRANSNATURALIS è SANCTA SCRIPTURA NATURAE OBVIIS EXEMPLIS, sapientium virorum sparsis testimoniis ACCINCTA Per labores Julius Sperber Rosicrucians & Alchemy & Mysticism Born around 1540 in Seebergen, Germany, Julius Sperber, also known as Julianus de Campis, was a prominent figure in the mystical and philosophical
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